A downloadable soundtrack

“In the town of Yriad, a child’s strength is only proven in a fight with one of the mighty dragons. As the dragons are valued for their scales, few remain in the world. Only one dragon can be spotted near the town of Yriad: the mighty white dragon El’Zohin. And, at the age of 20, it is time for a new girl to prove herself in a dragon’s trial.”

Made in Musescore 3 using some external soundfonts such as the ‘Sonatina Symphonic Orchestra’, ‘Masterpiece’ and ‘Nice Bass Plus Drums v5.3’.

I tried to make a mystical atmosphere using the Shakuhachi, Harp and Strings. Given that the theme was about a dragon, I felt it fitting that one of the themes was an encounter and one was a battle theme (I love making battle themes :).


The White Dragon El'Zohin.mp3 1.4 MB
The Dragon's Flames, The Trial of El'Zohin!.mp3 2.2 MB

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